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This Simple, Deep Stretch Move Is Ideal For Anyone Who Sits All Day

Krysten Peck
May 11, 2018
Krysten Peck
By Krysten Peck
mbg Contributor
Krysten Peck is a freelance writer specializing in arts, wellness, brands, and visual storytelling. She received a bachelor’s degree from Dickinson College.
Photo by Miachel Breton
May 11, 2018

Here at mbg, we believe in Mindful Movement. In our video series, we’ll break down various moves designed to help you take care of your physical body and connect you to your emotional and spiritual self. Today's video: how to combat sitting-all-day posture with a simple move and stretch.

Our increasingly immobile and sedentary lifestyles tend to lead us astray when it comes to treating our bodies with care. Whether it be extended work hour or time spent sitting at a desk all day, proper stretching and mobility exercises are often neglected as a part of our exercise and self-care routines. Let's not forget that scientists continue to find more and more evidence of the dangerous risks of sitting for too long – hint: it's never too late to get up and stretch it out.

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Back pain can be a real doozy, especially when the aches and pains are persistent and follow you throughout your days. Sure, we all don't have extra time to head to the gym everyday, but squeezing in a few functional moves throughout our day can make all the difference. Luckily, there's a simple stretch that can help mitigate any strain you might feel on your lower back and boost energy: a deep lunge.

We invited UK-based fitness instructor and creator of the 2 meal-a day Max Lowery to demonstrate how the deep lunge stretch can help lengthen your hip flexors and take stress off lower back, all while giving you a boost to reset your day with some energy. The best part? You can do this move, at the office, at home or on-the go. Bonus points if you can squeeze it in between meetings at work.

Here's a simple and dumbbell-free way to build arm strength and confidence.

See more mindful movement here.

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Krysten Peck

Krysten Peck is a freelance writer specializing in arts, wellness, brands, and visual storytelling. She received a bachelor’s degree from Dickinson College, and has done editorial and social media work at AOL, MTV News, and BuzzFeed. A city dweller with island roots, she's hooked on all-things ginger and likes to play in the kitchen. When she does exercise, she's usually chooses high-intensity activities like dancing, HIIT, and spinning.