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How To Naturally Boost Your Energy — No Coffee Required

Ray Bass, NASM-CPT
June 2, 2019
Ray Bass, NASM-CPT
mbg Associate Movement & Wellness Editor
By Ray Bass, NASM-CPT
mbg Associate Movement & Wellness Editor

Ray Bass is the associate movement and wellness editor at mindbodygreen and a NASM-Certified Personal Trainer. She holds a degree in creative writing from the University of Pennsylvania, with honors in nonfiction.

Image by Sarah FitzGerald / mbg creative
June 2, 2019

At mindbodygreen, we believe that movement is an essential part of life. Movement, like food, can be its own form of medicine—it can connect us to the earth, to our community, and to ourselves. That's why we created Movement Cures, a video series that underscores our body's ability to heal itself through movement. From common aches and pains to the occasional (or chronic) bloating, we're asking experts for their best answers to our everyday woes and sharing Movement Cures that can help you feel better.

It's Sunday—which means we're on the brink of a brand-new week. And sometimes, no matter how much rest you've gotten over the weekend, overcoming Sunday scaries and powering through Monday can zap your energy real quick.

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Fortunately, and perhaps counterintuitively, getting your body moving and your blood pumping can actually raise your energy levels (think people who work out in the morning but still manage to have pep all day long).

Check out the video below to watch sub-elite marathon runner and Flywheel instructor Emily Fayette demo her go-to low-energy move—the jumping jack!

There you have it—another example of how powerful movement can be. Did you know it can help you tackle bloating, menstrual cramps, and even brain fog? Check out all our Movement Cures here.

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Ray Bass, NASM-CPT author page.
Ray Bass, NASM-CPT
mbg Associate Movement & Wellness Editor

Ray Bass is the associate movement and wellness editor at mindbodygreen and a NASM-Certified Personal Trainer. She holds a degree in creative writing from the University of Pennsylvania, with honors in nonfiction. A runner, yogi, boxer, and cycling devotee, Bass searches for the hardest workouts in New York (and the best ways to recover from them). She's debunked myths about protein, posture, and the plant-based diet, and has covered everything from the best yoga poses for chronic pain to the future of fitness, recovery, and America's obsession with the Whole30 diet.